No. |
發(fā)表的文章的名稱、時間與刊物 |
1 |
Study on Sturm Theorem.Science
14(1929),545-548.(in Chinese) |
2 |
On incorrectness of Shu Jia Ju's
paper.Science 15(1930),307-309.(in Chinese) |
3 |
Study on function T-1{H(x)}.Science
15(1931),871-888.1025-1062.(in Chinese) |
4 |
A Theorem of integral calculus.Science
15(1931),1716-1719. |
5 |
Generalization and trial of additive angles
formula in trigonometry. Science 15(1931),1930-1945.(in Chinese) |
6 |
A new function.Science 15(1931),1051-2058. |
7 |
On pseudo-periodic functions. Trans. Sci.
Soc. China 8(1934),19-21; also Tohoku Math.J.39(1934),316-321. |
8 |
On the representation of integers by
circulant. Trans. Sci. Soc. China 8(1934),19-21; also Tohoku Math.J.39(1934),316-321. |
9 |
On a theorem of Hermite. Trans. Sci. Soc.
China 8(1934),157-158. |
10 |
A note on Minkowski's theorem of homogeneous
linear forms. Trans. Sci. Soc. China 8(1934),160-161. |
11 |
On the hypergeometric functions of higher
order. Tohoku Math.J.39(1934),253-263. |
12 |
Note on diophantine equation of two
circulants. Tohoku Math.J.40(1934),34-35. |
13 |
Note on Pell's equation. Tohoku
Math.J.40(1934),36. |
14 |
Waring's problem for cubes. Bull. Calcuttta
Math. Soc. 26(1934),139-140. |
15 |
On a certain kind of operations connected
with linear algebra. Tohoku Math.J.41(1935),222-246. |
16 |
A proof of Hadamard's theorem. Tohoku
Math.J.41(1935),247-248. |
17 |
The representation of integers as sums of the
cubic function (x3+5x)/6. Tohoku Math.J.4(1935),356-360. |
18 |
On the representation of integers by the sums
of seven cubic functions. Tohoku Math.J.4(1935),361-366. |
19 |
The representation of integers as sums of
cubic function (x3+2x)/3. Tohoku Math.J.41(1935),367-370. |
20 |
On an easier Waring-kamke problem. Sci.
Repts. Tsing Hua Univ. A3(1935),247-260. |
21 |
On Waring's theorems with cubic polynomial
Summands. Math.Ann.III(1935),622-628. |
22 |
On Waring's problem with polynomial
summands.Amer.J.Math.58(1936),553-562;also Chinese Math. Soc. 1(1936),23-61. |
23 |
Note on boundedly convergent power series.
Sci. Repts. Tsing Hua Univ. A3(1936),345-351. |
24 |
A problem on the additive theory of number of
several variables. Math. Zeit. 41(1936),708-712. |
25 |
On Waring's problem. Tohoku
Math.J.42(1936),210-225. |
26 |
An easier Waring-Kamke problem.J.London
Math.Soc.II(1936),4-5. |
27 |
On Fourier transforms in Lp in the complex
domain. J. Math. Phys. 15(1936),249-263.(with S.S.Shu) |
28 |
A problem in the additive theory of numbers
of several variables. J. London Math. Soc. 12(1937),257-261. |
29 |
A generalization of an easier Waring-Kamke
problem. J. London Math. Soc. 12(1937),262-264. |
30 |
On a generalized Waring problem. Proc. London
Math. Soc.(2) 43(1937),161-182. |
31 |
On the representation of integers as the Sums
of the k-th powers of primes. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR(N.S) 17(1937),167-168. |
32 |
Some results in the additive prime-number
theory. Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. 9(1938), 68-80. |
33 |
Some results in the additive prime-number
theory. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR(N.S) 18(1938),3. |
34 |
Some results in the additive theory of
numbers. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR(N.S) 18(1938),4. |
35 |
Some results in Waring's Problem for small
powers. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR(N.S) 18(1938),527-528. |
36 |
On Waring's problem. Quart. J. Math. Oxford
Ser. 9(1938), 199-202. |
37 |
On Tarry's problem. Quart. J. Math. Oxford
Ser. 9(1938), 315-320. |
38 |
On an exponential sum. J. London Math. Soc.
13(1938),54-64; also J. Chinese Math. Soc.2(1940),301-312(with further progress). |
39 |
On the representation of numbers as the sums
of the powers of primes. Math. Zeit. 44(1938),335-346. |
40 |
A generalization of Lendsdoff's Theorem.
Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 7(1938),390-392. |
41 |
On Waring's problem for fifth powers. Proc.
London Math. Soc. (2)45(1939),144-160. |
42 |
A remark on the moment problem. J. London
Math. Soc. 14(1939),84-86. |
43 |
On a lemma due to Vinogradow. Dokl. Akad.
Nauk SSSR(N.S) 24(1939),419-420. |
44 |
On a system of diophantine equations. Dokl.
Akad. Nauk SSSR(N.S) 27(1940),312-313. |
45 |
On a generalized Waring problem. II. J.
Chinese Math. Soc. 2(1940), 175-191. |
46 |
Some "Anzahl" theorems for groups
of prime-power orders. J. Chinese Math. Soc. 2.(1940), 313-310.(with H.F. Tuan) |
47 |
On a Waring's problem with cubic polynomial
Summands. J. Indian Math. Soc. 4.(1940),127-135;also Sci. Repts. Tsing Hua Univ.
A4(1940),55-83. |
48 |
On a theorem due to Vinogradow. Quart. J.
Math. Oxford Ser. 11(1940), 161-176. |
49 |
Sur une somme exponentielle. C. R. Acad. Sci.
Paris 210(1940),520-523.
49A·On an exponential sum. J. Chinese Math. Soc. 2(1940),301-312 |
50 |
Sur le probleme de Waring relatif a un
polynome du troisieme degre. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 210(1940). |
51 |
On the number of solutions of certain
congruences. Sci. Repts. Tsing Hua Univ. A4(1940),113-133.(with S. H. Min). |
52 |
Determination of the groups of
odd-prime-power order pn which contains a cyclic subgroup of index p2. Sci. Repts. Tsing
Hua Univ. A4(1940),145-154(with H.F. Tuan). |
53 |
Some recent progress in theory of numbers.
Quart. Wu Han Univ. 7(1940).(with K.L.Chung) (in Chinese). |
54 |
A note on the class number of ternary
quadratic forms J. London Math. Soc. 16(1941) 82-83. |
55 |
On diophantine approximation. Dokl. Akad.
Nauk SSSR(N.S) 32(1941),395-396. |
56 |
Some problem of of the geometrical theory of
numbers. Sci. Record 1(1942),19-21. |
57 |
On character sums. Sci. Record 1(1942),21-23. |
58 |
On a double exponential sum. Sci. Record
1(1942),23-25.(with S. H. Min) |
59 |
An analogue of Tarry's problem. Sci. Record
1(1942),26-29.(with S. H. Min) |
60 |
On the number of partitions of number into
unequal parts. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 51(1942),194-201. |
61 |
On the least primitive root of a prime. Bull.
Amer. Math. Soc. 48(1942),726-730. |
62 |
On the least solution of Pell's equation.
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 48(1942),731-735. |
63 |
The lattice points in a circle. Quart. J.
Math. Oxford Ser. 13(1942),18-29. |
64 |
On the distribution ofquadratic ono-residues
and the Euclidean algorithm in real quadratic fields, I-II. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
56(1944),527-546,547-569(II with S. H. Min). |
65 |
On the lack of an Euclidean algoritm in
R(61). Amer. J. Math. 67(1945),209-211.(with W.T.Shih). |
66 |
On the theory of automorphic functions of a
matrix variable. I. Geometrical basis. II. The classification of hypercircles under the
symplectic group. Amer. J. Math. 66(1944),470-488,531-563. |
67 |
Geometries of matrices. I.Generalizations of
von Staudt's Theorem. II. Arithmetical construction. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
57(1945),441-481,482-490. |
68 |
A remark on a result due to Blichfeldt. Bull.
Amer. Math. Soc. 51(1945),537-539. |
69 |
Geometries of matrices. Sci. Record
1(1945),262-267. |
70 |
The theory of automorphic functions of a
matrix variable. Sci. Record 1(1945),303-305. |
71 |
On the Euclidean algorithm in the real
quadratic fields. Sci. Record 1(1945),319(with W.T. Shih). |
72 |
Geometries of symmetric matrices over the
real field. I-II. Dokl. Akad.Nauk SSSR(N.S) 53(1946),95-97,195-196. |
73 |
Automorphism of real symplectic group. Dokl.
Akad.Nauk SSSR(N.S) 53(1946),303-306. |
74 |
On the theory of Fuchsian functions of
several variables. Ann. of Math. 47(1946),167-191. |
75 |
On the extended space of several complex
variables(1). The space of complex spheres. Quart.J.Math. Oxford Ser.17(1946),214-222;
also Sci. Record 2(1947),6-8. |
76 |
Orthogonal classiffication of Hermitian
matrices. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 59(1946),508-523. |
77 |
Geometries of matrices. II.Study of
involutions in the geometry of symmetric matrices. Trans. Amer. Math.
Soc.61(1947),193-228. |
78 |
Geometries of matrices. III. Foundamental
Theorems in the geometry of symmetric matrices. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.61(1947),229-255. |
79 |
Theory of automorphic functions of several
complex variables.Akad. Nauk Gruzin SSR. Trudy Tbillis Mat. Inst. Razadze
15(1947),143-273. |
80 |
Some results on additive theory of numbers.
Proc.Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 33(1947),136-137. |
81 |
Some "Anzahl" theorems for groups
of prime power orders. Sci. Repts. Tsing Hua Univ. A4(1947),313-327. |
82 |
On a double exponential sum. Sci. Repts.
Tsing Hua Univ.A4(1947), 484-518(with S.H. Min). |
83 |
A theorem on matrices and its application to
Grassmann space. Sci Repts. Tsing Hua Univ. A5(1948),150-181. |
84 |
Introduction to the theory of vector modular
forms Akad. Nauk Azerbaidzan SSR. Trudy Inst. Fiz. Mat. 3(1948),32-43,(in Russsian). |
85 |
On the automorphisms of the symplectic group
over any field. Ann. of Math. 49(1948),739-759. |
86 |
On the existence of solutions of certain
equations in a finite field. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 34(1948), 258-263,(with
H.S.Vandiver) |
87 |
Characters over certain types of rings with
applications to the theory of equations in a finite field. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
35(1949), 94-99,(with H.S.Vandiver) |
88 |
On the automorphisms of a sfield. Proc. Nat.
Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 35(1949), 386-389. |
89 |
On the number solutions of some trinomial
equations in a finite field. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 35(1949), 477-481,(with
H.S.Vandiver) |
90 |
On the nature of the solutions of certain
equations in a finite field. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 34(1948), 258-263,(with
H.S.Vandiver) |
91 |
Some properties of a sfield. Proc. Nat. Acad.
Sci. U.S.A. 35(1949), 533-537. |
92 |
On the generators of symplectic modular
grouop. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.65(1949),415-426.(with I.Reiner). |
93 |
Geometry of symmetric matrices over any field
with characteristic other than two. Ann. of Math. 50(1949),8-31. |
94 |
Improvement of result of Wright. J.London
Math. Soc. 24(1949),157-159. |
95 |
An improvement of Vinogradov's mean-value
theorem and several applications. Quart. J. Math. 20(1949), 48-61. |
96 |
On the multiplicative group of field. Sci.
Record 3(1950), 1-6. |
97 |
On semi-homomorphisms of rings and their
application in projective geometry. Sci. Sinica 1(1950)1-6, (in Chinese); also Uspehi Mat.
Nauk 8(55)(1953), 143-148. (in Russian) |
98 |
Foundmental therem of the projective geometry
on a line and geometry of matrices. C.R. 1er cong. Math. Hongrois (1950), 317-325, Akad.
Kiado, Budapest, 1953. |
99 |
A theorem on matrices over a sfield and its
applications. Acta. Math. Sinica 1(1951), 109-163. |
100 |
On exponential sums over an algebraic number
field. Canadian J. Math. 3(1951), 44-51. |
101 |
Supplement to the paper of Dieudonne on the
automorphism of classical groups. Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. 2(1951), 96-122. |
102 |
Automorphisms of the unimodular group. Trans.
Amer. Math. Soc. 71(1951),331-348.(with I. Reiner) |
103 |
Estimation of an integral. Sci. Sinica
4(1951), 393-402. (in Chinese) |
104 |
On the number of solutions of Tarry's
problem. Acta Sci. Sinica 1(1952), 1-76. |
105 |
On the automorphism and isomorphisms of
linear group. Acta Sci. Sinica 2(1952-1953), 1-52(with Wan Zhe Xian). |
106 |
Automorphisms of the projective unimodular
group. Trans. Amer Math. Soc. 72(1952),467-473.(with I.Reiner) |
107 |
A note on the total matrix ring over a
non-commutative field. Ann Soc. Polon. Math. 25(1952), 188-198. |
108 |
A generalization of Hamiltonian matrices.
Acta. Sci. Sinica 2(1953),1-58. |
109 |
The present position of Mathematics in China,
Ke Xue Tong Bao 2(1953), (in Chinese); also Vestnik Akad. Nauk SSSR 6(1953), 14-20. |
110 |
Theory of functions of several complex
variables. I. A complete orthonormal system in the hyperbolic space of matrices. Acta Sci.
Sinica 4(1953), 288-323.(in Chinese) |
111 |
On the theory of functions of several complex
variables.I. A complete orthonormal system in the hyperbolic space of rectangular matrices.
II. A complete orthonormal system in the hyperbolic space of hyperspheres. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR(N.S)
93(1953), 775-777, 983-984. (in Russian) |
112 |
On the estimation of the unitary curvature of
the space of several complex variables. Sci. Sinica 4(1955), 27-32. |
113 |
On ono-continuable domain with constant
curvature. Acta. Math. Sinica 4(1954),317-332.(in Chinese); Sci. Sinica 4(1955) 27-32. |
114 |
Theory of functions of several complex
variables. II. A complete orthonormal system in the hyperbolic space of hyperspheres.
Acta. Math. Sinica 5(1955),1-25.(in Chinese). |
115 |
On the theory of functions of several complex
variables, A complete orthonormal system in the hyperbolic space of hyperspheres. Dokl.
Akad. Nauk SSSR(N.S) 101(1955), 29-30. |
116 |
An inequality for determinants. Acta. Math.
Sinica 5(1955),463-470.(in Chinese). |
117 |
Some algebraic identities. Izv. Nat. Inst.
Bulgarian Akad. Nauk 2(1956),3-12. |
118 |
Some definite integrals. Acta Math Sinica
6(1956),302-312. |
119 |
On exponential sums. Sci. Record(N.S) 1
(1957),no.1, 1-4. |
120 |
On the major arcs of Waring Problem. Sci.
Record(N.S) 1(1957), no.3, 17-18. |
121 |
On a system of partial differential equations
.Sci. Record (N.S) 1(1957), 367-371. |
122 |
On the Riemannian curvature in the space of
several complex variables. Schr. Forschungs-inst. Math. 1(1957), 245-263. |
123 |
Geometry of rectangular matrices and their
application to real projective and non-euclidean geometry. Sci. Sinica 6(1957), 995-1011.
(with B.A.Rosenfield). |
124 |
On Cauchy formula for the space of
skew-symmetric matrices odd order. Sci. Record(N.S) 2(1958), 19-22.(with K.H. Look) |
125 |
Boundary properties of the Poisson interral
of Lie sphere. Sci. Record(N.S) 2(1958), 77-80.(with K.H. Look) |
126 |
A convergence theorem in the space of
continuous functions on a compact group. Sci. Record(N.S) 2(1958), 280-284. |
127 |
A subgroup of the orthogonal group with
respect to an indefinite quadratic form. Sci. Record(N.S) 2(1958), 329-331. |
128 |
Theory of harmonic functions of classical
domain I. Harmonic functions in the hyperbolic space of matrices. Acta Math. Sinica
8(1958), 531-547. II. Harmonic functions in the hyperbolic space of symmetric matrices.
III. Harmonic functions in the hyperbolic space of skew symmetric matrices. Acta Math.
Sinica 9(1959), 295-305,306-314.(all in Chinese) (with K.H. Look) |
129 |
Theory of harmonic functions of classical
domain. Sci. Sinica 8(1959), 1031-1094 (with K.H. Look) |
130 |
Research works in mathematics in China from
1949-1959. By mathematics group with L. K. Hua and others. Sci. Sinica 8(1959),1218-1228;
also Mathematical research in Communist China the past ten years. New York, U.S.A. Joint
Publications Research Service, (1960), 91; also: A brief review of mathematical
investigations in China for the last decade. Uspehi Mat. Nauk 15(1960), no. 3(93),
193-201. |
131 |
Remarks concerning numerical intergration.
Sci. Record (N.S) 4(1960), 8-11.(with Wang Yuan) |
132 |
Calculation of deposit amount and hillside
area on contour map. Acta Math. Sinica 10(1959), 19-40. (in Chinese) |
133 |
Application of mathematical methods to wheat
harvest. Acta Math. Sinica 11(1960), 63-75. (in Chinese) |
133 |
On the calculation of mineral reserves and
hillside areas on contour maps. Acta Math. Sinica 11(1961), 29-40. (in Chinese) |
134 |
Sympletic similarity of symplectic matrices.
J. Zhong Shan Univ. 4(1962), 1-12. |
135 |
Real congruence of matrices. J. Zhong Shan
Univ. 4(1962), 13-31. |
136 |
Finiteness and infinity, discreteness and
continuity. Ke Xue Tong Bao(1963), 4-21. (with Wang Yuan) |
137 |
Introduction to generalized functions.
Progress in Math. 6 (1963), 391-409. |
138 |
On diophantine approximations and numerical
integrations. (I)(II). Sci. Sinica 13(1964), 1007-1010. |
139 |
Harmonic analysis on unitary group. Peking
symposium Gen. 165(1964)15-32. |
140 |
On an inequality of Opial. Sci. Sinica
14(1965), 789-790. |
141 |
On an inequality of Harnack's type. Sci.
Sinica 14(1965), 791. |
142 |
On Lavrentiev's partial differential equation
of the mixed type. Sci. Sinica 15(1965), 873-882. |
143 |
On canonical form of system of differential
equations of second order wiith constant coefficients in two variables and two unknown
function. Ke Xue Tong Bao(1964), 1100-1103. (with Wu Zhi Qian and Lin Wei) |
144 |
On uniqueness theorem of Dirichlet problem of
system of partial differential equations of elliptic type of second order with constant
codfficients. Acta Math. Sinica 15(1965), 242-248. (with Wu Zhi Qian and Lin Wei) |
145 |
On the classification of the system of
differential equations of the second order. Sci. Sinica 14(1965), 461-465. |
146 |
Opening paper on partial differential
equation of mixed type. J. of univ. of Sci. & Tech. China 1(1965), 1-27. |
147 |
On numerical integration of periodic
functions of several variables. Sci. Sinica 14(1965), 964-977. (with Wang Yuan) |
148 |
On uniform distribution and numerical
analysis (Number-theoretic method). Sci. Sinica (I) 16(1973), 483-505; (II) 17(1974),
331-348; (III) 18(1975), 184-198. |
149 |
Optimum-seeking method of several variables.
Ke Xue Tong Bao. (I) (II) 18 (1973), 165-166. (III) (IV) 19(1974), 317-319. |
150 |
A note on simultaneous diophantine
approxmations to algebraic integers. Sci. Sinica 20(1977), 563-567. |